Motion planning algorithm for two link robot.



A simulation of obstical avoidance with a two link robot which uses a sampling based RRT* algorithm.

RRT Overview   Original Paper on RRT*


  1. A start and goal position is chosen.
  2. The objects are mapped from cartesian space into joint space (the combination of joint positions for the robot).
  3. Randomly explore joint space with the RRT and once the tree comes within a certain threshold of the goal, the algorithm stops and an optimal path through the tree towards the goal is found.


The driver for the program is RRTStar.m which runs the simulation in Matlab. The progam uses Robot Toolbox for Matlab.

rrtstar1 rrtstar1

rrtstar2 rrtstar2

rrtstar3 rrtstar3

rrtstar4 rrtstar4

rrtstar5 rrtstar5

rrtstar6 rrtstar6

rrtstar7 rrtstar7